We are — each living beings — created and formed from the soil that surrounds us, from the land on which we walk, by the nutrients either rich or poor in the foods we eat.
We are patterned by our DNA — our genetic make-up given to us by our family lineage. We are both male and female, short and tall, brown-eyed and green-eyed or hazel-eyed or blue-eyed. We are dark-skinned or fair-skinned, short or tall based on that DNA and the region of the
Lightning, Risk, and Awe Rev Kim Poole Moscow First United Methodist Church Moscow ID August 15, 2021, When God chooses people to accomplish a task for God often the person chosen would not be the one you are I would pick to be our leader. God often chooses people that we would consider the least likely to succeed. There are two men in the old testament that God chose at the very beginning of the story of faith that I believe had to be chosen simply because God
Last May, I was listening to a podcast called Dare to Lead by Brene Brown.
Her guest that day was Priya Parker. Who had written a book that I had read earlier in the year called the art of gathering, how we meet, and why it matters. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I enjoy most of them, learn something from most of them, and quickly move on to the next episode or next podcast. But this particular podcast episode. Was so impressive and so timely coming out of the 2020 pandemic pause that I
Were any of you a member of the Boy Scouts? Did you advance from Cub to We-be-lo, and did you achieve the rank of Eagle Scout? Maybe you were a Camp Fire girl and moved from Blue Birds to Camp Fire to Horizon? Were you initiated into the National Honor Society in High School? Or did you pledge a fraternity or sorority in college?
In each of these cases, you probably were celebrated and initiated into a new standing or rank or membership and that ceremony may have been an important time in your life. It may have been the beginning of commitments that lasted a lifetime or just a year or two.
In the church, we have a ceremony of initiation into the family of God, into the community of faith. It is physically observed and sealed in our
Sunday morning parking at the church is available in the high school parking lot on Third Street across from the church and in the city lots west of the church. These lots are available only on Sunday mornings. A small lot for handicapped parking is available just off of Adams Street on the north side of the church, with an accessible entrance directly into the sanctuary. A lift operates between the Fellowship Hall (3rd Street level) and the Sanctuary. William Sound System Receivers and Headsets are available to assist with hearing problems.
The First United Methodist Church of Moscow, Idaho takes as our mission to be the body of Jesus Christ, ministering to a community which draws strength from its diversity. Our mission centers on the worship of God, expressed through varied forms of prayer, preaching, music, and ritual. See more...