John 12: 12-16Often on Palm Sunday, we use the story from the Gospel of Mark. It’s meaty and full of details. When we read that story, we see the pomp and circumstance. It’s easy to imagine the parade. We first see the disciples go to town and take a donkey and when asked, surprisingly, they just get to take it. Then we see Jesus riding in from the mount of olives on this young colt and hear about the people surrounding him. It’s a big deal. He’s a big deal. Palm branches. Cloaks are
Matthew 7I’m not sure if it’s an age and stage thing, or a permanent condition, but it’s not uncommon in our house to hear, “I know, Mom!” I might be reminding my child of a chore that’s not been completed for 3 days running, or homework that’s been required for a week, or dogs that are dancing around so someone will feed them. It might be a very gentle nudge or reminder and still, I hear, “I know, Mom!”
I promise I’m not trying to rag on my kid, but rather I’m trying to highlight an attitude I think is relevant to today’s passage. And I imagine most of us have had this kind of interaction with a child or a student. We get it. If we’re honest, we can likely remember dishing out our own level of
Matthew 6:16-34As I read through this passage, I became increasingly aware that there is SO MUCH MEAT in the sermon on the mount! Amy Jill Levine breaks it up into 6 chapters and she points to common themes, but there are riches in each little bit…enough that we could do a deep dive and spend a couple of months studying just the sermon on the mount! We won’t be doing that, but maybe hear that as an invitation to spend some Bible study time on your own reading and examining the smaller verses.
Like the others, today’s section has a lot to it. And so I tried to look for the core message. What was Jesus really driving at? What did he want
Matthew 6Beware of your ego. That’s the caution I hear in these verses. Jesus is also talking about piety—fasting, praying, giving. But the key message surrounding all of them is “check your motives” and “check your ego.” Stay in your lane. Do what is faithful for who you are and don’t worry about who is seeing you or what they are doing.
You see Jesus is saying all of the acts of piety (or means of grace as Methodists would call them) are important. He doesn’t actually raise any questions about any of them but rather encourages his disciples to question their motives. Are they acting out of faithfulness? Or are they
Matthew 5:13-48 When I was a junior in college, I lived abroad. I spent my first semester in Costa Rica, then came home for Christmas and my sister’s wedding, and then went to Spain. Because of the wedding, I arrived later than my group and was responsible for getting myself from the airport in Madrid, to my host home in Granada. Navigating the airport was manageable and then I got my ticket and got on the bus. I had traveled all night and was exhausted from the trip and nerves, so I slept for most of the bus ride. About halfway we stopped for lunch. The place was like a café, except in Spain, most places also had a bar. You could order a sandwich and a drink (of whatever type) and sit at a small table.
I grew up in California and know Californian rules, which include standing in line to order. Right, you go to McDonald’s (you know when you actually used to go inside) and you’d look for the end of the line and take your place. If people are all mushed together, then you ask, “Is this the
Sunday morning parking at the church is available in the high school parking lot on Third Street across from the church and in the city lots west of the church. These lots are available only on Sunday mornings. A small lot for handicapped parking is available just off of Adams Street on the north side of the church, with an accessible entrance directly into the sanctuary. A lift operates between the Fellowship Hall (3rd Street level) and the Sanctuary. William Sound System Receivers and Headsets are available to assist with hearing problems.
The First United Methodist Church of Moscow, Idaho takes as our mission to be the body of Jesus Christ, ministering to a community which draws strength from its diversity. Our mission centers on the worship of God, expressed through varied forms of prayer, preaching, music, and ritual. See more...